Home Office Shelving Ideas To Elevate Your Workspace

Your office needs storage space to hold important things. While home workspaces can lack room for filing cabinets or large shelves, you can find storage solutions that work with your workspace! Here are the best home office shelving ideas to elevate your workspace.

Layered Wall-Mounted Shelves

Wall-mounted shelves are easy to integrate with home offices because they don’t take up floor space. They’re also visually pleasing and come in various color and material options. For example, cherry floating shelves offer a classic, timeless design. Metal shelves tailor to industrial chic aesthetics. Regardless of your preference, you can stack multiple shelves on the wall above your desk and store all your essentials.

Fake Built-In Shelf

Built-in shelves are aesthetically pleasing and add a unique design element to rooms. However, the structures are large and don’t work in every space. You can adapt the concept of large built-in shelves with a mock unit. Fake a built-in style by installing a shelf that spans the entire length of your wall. Utilize baskets, cubbies, or square storage containers to fill the space.

Tall and Narrow Bookshelf

Tall and narrow bookshelves are ideal for small spaces. You can place them in a corner and increase storage space! Select a model that can accommodate décor, like plants, picture frames, or vases. You can also choose practical models that hold printers, file organizers, and other work-related items.

Bookshelf Barrier

A bookshelf barrier is a great shelving idea to elevate your workspace, especially if you share a home office with your partner. Use a large bookshelf to separate workspaces, and place distinct storage containers on each side of the shelf. For example, you can utilize clear storage containers while your partner uses gray bins. The barrier will improve office functionality and enhance storage space for everyone!

L-Shape Shelves

Wood shelves wrap around a room in a L-shape to accommodate two workspaces. You can also utilize this model for solo home offices. This idea is great for modern offices, as it uses all available wall space. The L-shape lets you store work-related items and home décor all in one place.

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